For some, making it out the door on time is nothing short of a miracle. For others, miracles are life-changing events that alter your life the moment they happen. At RE/MAX, our agents make miracles happen every day, through the sale of every home.
When you spot the iconic red, white, and blue sign standing proudly on the front lawn of a home that is for sale, you may also notice a special addition that advertises it as a Miracle Home. Sure, small miracles happen at home every day, but what makes this home so special? That sign rider that stands tall above the sign lets you know that the RE/MAX Agent is not just any agent, they are a Miracle Agent who generously donates a portion of the sale of each home to the Children’s Miracle Network member hospital in their community.
RE/MAX is proud to celebrate its support of the Children’s Miracle Network for more than 25 years! In Canada alone, our dedicated agents, whose deep commitment to community involvement, help raise millions of dollars each year through various initiatives. Now that is something to celebrate!
Each day, more than 4,900 children receive care at a Children’s Miracle Network member hospital, and RE/MAX agents have been raising valuable funds since 1992. In total, we have 270 Miracles Offices who have raised over $2500 each year. We have nearly 7,000 agents participating in the miracle home program, donating an average of $453 each.
The Miracle Home Program is more than a way for RE/MAX agents to give back to their community; it is a way for them to build relationships with an organization that positively impacts children’s lives each and every day. Each year, RE/MAX agents and broker/owners participate in hospital tours, radiothons and telethons, and several fundraising events including golf tournaments, carnivals, family fun days and more.
My niece Kelsey was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at 2 ½ years old- now at 23, I attribute the inspirational and courageous young women she has become to the staff at CHEO. The hospital helps so many patients like Kelsey and this is the reason I participate in the RE/MAX Miracle Home Program.
The Miracle Home Program and the relationship between RE/MAX and CMN is something enjoyed and celebrated throughout the entire year. From Month of Miracles where offices and agents participate in special days like Miracle Treat Day, to other initiatives like the Memories for Miracles Facebook Challenge that raised $7000 across Canada, it is no wonder RE/MAX agents have been so happy to participate for more than 25 years.
When the time comes to begin your search for your new home, look for the Miracle Home sign so you too can help a child in need in your community. By choosing a RE/MAX agent who is part of the Miracle Home Program, you’re helping to make miracles happen in the lives of children.